– 40 leaves/booklet. – 22 booklets/box. – Filters included. – 100% pure Arabic Gum – Unrefined pulp paper. The Greens are made from 100% all-natural, unrefined and unbleached hemp. The papers are so unrefined it is easy to see the raw hemp fibres still intact. The hemp plant naturally holds moisture making these papers their slowest burning. The unrefined fibres help even out the burn for a naturally perfect burn. The Canadian Lumber Co. Canadian Style with Canadian Quality. This is Canadian Lumber. Canadians have been chopping trees and rolling logs since the birth of our nation. Les canadiens ont haché des arbres et roulé des bûches depuis la naissance de notre nation. Canadian Lumber rolling papers are 100% all-natural including the Arabic Gum seal. The Arabic Gum is similar to tree sap and comes from a conflict-free company in West Africa. Canadian Lumber papers are tested by Guelph University and the results are published on their website. Canadian Lumber products are also TUV SUD Certified which is the European product standardized testing.