Infused Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar (Psilocybin) (4grams)


SKU: HauteboxHamilton, ONInfused Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar (Psilocybin) (4grams)1 Categories: , , Tags: , ,

4 grams of magic mushroom infused inside each bar

Made up of 8 pieces, the milk chocolate candy bar is evenly dosed with 4 grams of psilocybin in each and every bar. Each piece is dosed with .5 of a grams. Intaking one piece of chocolate will help with prolonged symptoms of anxiety, muscle pain, and body inflammation.


‼️Eat responsibly!


Three Types:

Golden Teacher (More of a visual trip)

Lizard king (More of a body trip)

Amazon Dong (Intense visual and body trip)